Saturday, September 27, 2008

And a carosel too!

Ella went to her first wedding reception - and we have to say it was perfectly suited to her love of lights, sounds, and sunshine. Mom's friend Matt was married a year ago and last week was the big reception. It was right on the water, had a big playground, and a carosel!! Needless to say, we all had a blast!


Look at that blue sky!

Ella rode the carosel three times, and seemed to love it more each time!

It was a perfect night. Lots of smiling, eating, and good memories. Ella as you know, has many nicknames - one of our favorites is sunshine - each morning we say "Good morning Sunshine" and it was perfectly fitting that Ella's first carosel horse bore the same name. After lots of fun, exhaustion set in, and it was a very quiet ride back to Massachusetts.


1 comment:

Larsica said...

Jenn, you make me want to have a girl so bad with all of Ella's cute little outfits, so sweet!