Sunday, March 29, 2009

All Good Things...

All good things must come to an end, that's what they say. Well, Uncle Mike's visit did come to an end, teary as it was. But the memories and good times to come we're sure won't. It was a wonderful week and amazing weekend. Ella had lots of fun with her favorite Godfather. He taught her some very important things. For example, how to put a quarter in an arcade game and how to play centipede.


Uncle Mike also bought Ella her very first bouncy ball.


Then we took a little trip to Rhode Island to visit Nana for her birthday. We took a nice walk, ate a yummy lunch, and then it was off to the park!!



We stretched our legs on the way home and did a little window shopping.



On our last day with Uncle Mike we packed in a lot of fun and smiles. We ate lunch at Dad's work, played with the train table - even though some other little girls didn't want to share, and finally headed to a new play place a few towns away. We got many recommendations for Noodle, Noggin', and Bean - a playplace for kids under 5. We went - we played, and then we napped in the car on the ride to the airport.




We had lots of fun, hugs, and an amazing amount of laughs with Uncle Mike. We tried to have Uncle Mike stay with us and be our live-in Uncle, but he declined. We suppose it is a good idea for him to finish his last year at USF. But boy are we going to miss him. We love you Uncle Mike!!



Thursday, March 26, 2009

Over the River...

With Uncle Mike visiting we couldn't not drive down to Connecticut to see Great Grandma. We went to the family restaurant we Colellos have spent many hours at. We had french fries, chicken, and burgers - all gourmet healthy food of course.

Gram always insists on dessert... and who are we to say no?

It was chocolate ice cream for Ella and then a photo opportunity with Mr. Easter Bunny.


Ella even took some time to babble and bibble for a few new friends. It was just nice to sit, talk, and enjoy the company.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Uncle Mike!!

We are so excited to have Uncle Mike visiting this week. We feel so honored that of all of the places for a college student to go on spring break, Mike chose Sturbridge and the company of a little Ella. First we hit the coffee house for music hour. Mike was pretty impressed with the lively rendition of head, shoulders, knees, and toes.


Then after some coffee and music, it was time for a stop at our new favorite place - the newly improved Sturbridge playground. Ella climbed and explored. She absolutely loves going down the slide - head first of course. There were lots of smiles all around.


But with all the playing, everyone got really hungry. Ella and Uncle Mike thought that yummy Italian food was in order. So off to Mom's favorite place for some gnocchi and ziti. Ella again tried her hand at the fork, enjoyed some pasta, and even a little crayon - silly kid.


Then it was time to come home, take her bath and get ready for bed. Since Uncle Mike had so much fun with Ella he didn't want to part with her, so he helped with bathtime - and even with the post-bath/pre-bedtime activities- hair drying, teeth brushing, book reading. It was all a lot of fun. Filled with some suprises, lots of smiles, and high hopes for a fun few days to come.


Monday, March 23, 2009

All Aboard!

What a week!

It's been a busy, lazy, and funny week for the Reed family. Mom had some surgery, nothing major, yet it left her a little sore and with a need to stay on her feet. So we spent some time in the waiting room of doctor's offices... Ella learned the importance of how to position properly a Dunkin Donuts cup from Dad while we waited.


Mom's surgeon's office was only 15 minutes from Boston Children's Museum so we took a detour there for lunch and a little fun. Ella especially loved all of the interactive exhibits. Including this car with working radio and wheel - she climbed in there by herself (with proper supervision of course).


We kept working on eating from a bowl, with both the spoon and fork. It really looked like things were going well...


Looks like we'll keep working on it...


Then we took some trips to the mall and to run errands. Mom's surgery required she rest for 30 minutes and then walk, walk, and walk to keep the circulation going, so walk we did. Although there is only so much walking and shopping two girls can do. So miss Ella at a young 15 months old took her first train ride. It was great!!


Sunday, March 15, 2009

All Moved In!!

So, you may not have thought this first for Ella would come so soon, but it's true - Ella is a proud home owner. Mom found a wonderful lady in the town next door looking to part with her daughter's playhouse (seeing as her daughter is now 20 years old,
it only makes sense, although it did come with a few tears).
Dad did the hard work of getting the house home in our little Prius... in about 3 trips!


She absolutely loves it, she likes playing with the kitchen sink, and of course - opening and closing the door and shutters.


She likes playing outside so much these days, that she even tries to put on her own coat.


But for now she agrees to let Mom help with that.


She knows how to party!

A little tea...


A lot of cake...


And a big crown.


She definitely at fun at cousin Grace's birthday party.
Thank you Nana.

Ella the Explorer

Our little girl loves to explore, she loves to run, pick things up, and of course try to eat everything she finds. This week Ella discovered the wide world of arts and crafts.


She also took lots of walks with Mom now that the weather is getting nice. She looooves rocks. She especially loves it when Mom hides them in her pockets. (Unfortunately we also had a run in with a mud puddle too - see her overall pictured below)




Spoons & Forks

Ella is growing up, and fast too. This week we have been helping Ella learn how to use spoons and forks. Spoons first...



Ella's cousin Grace helped with the forks, picking up blueberries to be specific. They had a lot of fun.


Monday, March 2, 2009

Our little girl...

Ella has been exploring the house in new ways. She has always looked into the drawers and pulled out what has interested her. This weekend she decided to take the investigation one step further. So if you're ever in our kitchen and looking for a toddler - she is usually in the bottom middle drawer...


She also has figured out and goes after her shoes as soon as she hears the words "good bye." These days she has to sit with the shoes to put them on...


Another big change is Ella's love of coloring and drawing. She usually draws up on her high chair. This week she decided that drawing went best with a little deep thought and a cup of tea.


She is too funny!

The Lollipop Guild

We were out shopping and came upon Dad's favorite candy store and thought there was no better time than the present to introduce Ella to another first - lollipops. She really enjoyed herself, although half way through she thought it would be more fun to try and chew on the stick. We have to love her sense of experimentation.
