Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Uncle Mike!!

We are so excited to have Uncle Mike visiting this week. We feel so honored that of all of the places for a college student to go on spring break, Mike chose Sturbridge and the company of a little Ella. First we hit the coffee house for music hour. Mike was pretty impressed with the lively rendition of head, shoulders, knees, and toes.


Then after some coffee and music, it was time for a stop at our new favorite place - the newly improved Sturbridge playground. Ella climbed and explored. She absolutely loves going down the slide - head first of course. There were lots of smiles all around.


But with all the playing, everyone got really hungry. Ella and Uncle Mike thought that yummy Italian food was in order. So off to Mom's favorite place for some gnocchi and ziti. Ella again tried her hand at the fork, enjoyed some pasta, and even a little crayon - silly kid.


Then it was time to come home, take her bath and get ready for bed. Since Uncle Mike had so much fun with Ella he didn't want to part with her, so he helped with bathtime - and even with the post-bath/pre-bedtime activities- hair drying, teeth brushing, book reading. It was all a lot of fun. Filled with some suprises, lots of smiles, and high hopes for a fun few days to come.


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