Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Littlest Colello

It was a busy Saturday for Miss Ella, filled with lots of family and fun. The day started with her 2nd swimmy class with Mom. Dad came to watch and take pictures. Ella spent lots of time in the water kicking her feet, and this week she added in a little arm paddling too. She is getting so comfortable in the water - and was such a trooper as the class interrupted her morning nap...


She even showed off her cookie monster towel...


Then it was off for Ella's first (of many) Colello Family Reunions. Ella loved meeting all of Grandpa's family - lots of cousins, friends, and some very cute little dogs too. It was so nice for Ella to meet her family and be welcomed as the littlest Colello. Eventhough it was a little hot and sticky outside Ella kept smiling and even posed for her first Colello portrait...


Sunday will be another fun day as Ella's Nana will be coming for a visit.

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