Friday, August 29, 2008

Ahhh, Friday... at last.

Thank goodness it is Friday... it had been a long week for Ella's parents who are working, working, and working some more. We have been trying to make the most of our non-work hours with little Ella bella and cherishing each minute as she grows and grows.

There is always a lot going on at our house. This week we received our new couch!! Mom didn't realize quite how big it was until she saw quite how little Ella looked on it... and how much of the living room it takes up too!

Then we had to try new things. Ella tried her first teething biscuit - which she absolutely loved!! Who knew they would be so messy?

Then we did some of the usual things... Ella ate her feet a little. Yummy?

Tried bananas for the first time. Yummy!

Ella chewed on things... including her new favorite way to suck on her pacifier...

But the most exciting thing is that Ella is really crawling... up on all fours...

Ella is also waving to everyone as they come and go. It is a slow steady up and down wave, not a hand opening and closing wave, and it is the cutest thing we have ever seen. Simply, she makes everyone who passes her smile. Including us, all the time.


Monday, August 25, 2008

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Letter F

This week was sponsored by the letter F - as it was all about friends, fun, and a trip to the farm. These days Ella spends a lot of time scooting around the floor. She moves fast and makes attempts at the dog bowl, and more often the dogs. Luckily Mom and Dad are still a bit faster.


Of course Ella spends a lot of time smiling... (Can you believe how big she is getting??)


Then Ella got to help Dad bottle some of his home brewed beer. (Disclaimer: Just for clarification - Ella in no way had any beer during the taking of this photo, home brewing is legal, is friendly to the environment, and is economical.) Ella was instrumental in the making of the beer as Dad used some of the blueberries she and Mom picked to flavor it. She had fun trying to climb on Dad and was sooo very close to pulling herself up to stand!


Then Ella had another play date... Lilli and her Mom came over for a nice long walk to the grocery store to pick up dinner's ingredients, another long walk home, some play time and then it was time to eat. Ella is still trying new foods and has added carrots, brocolli, plums, and mangos to her list of good eats. Although her favorite is still cheerios.


But, without a doubt the highlight of the week was our family trip to Davis Farmland.


It was a beautiful day to see (and Feed!!) the animals. We saw their new pigs... our favorite was Sausage Patti, but Jennifer Lopig was awfully nice too.


Ella got to meet some rather friendly sheep (and cows, goats, cats!, and even a few giant turtles.)

There was so much to look at!


They had lots of super cool places to play - a whole area for kids under 3!! She rode the swing, and she crawled into her first tree house.



Then it was over to the miniature town - where Ella did a little shopping in their general store... (She doesn't know it yet but that shopping cart is one of her 1st birthday presents from Mom and Dad! Shhh, it's a secret.)


But wait, there's more. By FAR - Ella's favorite part of the day was her visit to their zero density water park. Nothing but water sprays, little babies, and sunshine. She had a blast! (as did we!)


But of course - we couldn't play all the time. There had to be time for some rest too.


Water Park - Take 1

Water Park - Take 2

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Peanuts & Crackerjacks

Ok, so there weren't peanuts or crackerjacks, but there was a lot of fun at Ella's first baseball game. We got free tickets from Mom's wonderful work and enjoyed a clear blue sky, fried dough and a sweet mascot... Twister (of the Worcester Tornadoes). He made his way to over to his littlest fan...



But we think even after meeting a giant orange dog - Ella still really enjoyed the game. Well, she enjoyed starring at the little white moving things on the big green thing...


Couldn't get her eyes off the game...


It was all great preparation for the big day - in two short weeks, Miss Ella, a native Massachusetts-er and hard core New Englander at heart - will go to her first Boston Red Sox game. (Thank you Grandpa Pete!)

Ella on the move...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Really? Eight months already??

Our baby is 2/3rds of the way to her first birthday. It is unbelievable.


So far she can army crawl, smiles, laughs, and is doing new things every day. We (although some a little more excited than others) are happy to report that Ella said her first word - Mama. She actually has been saying it for a few weeks, but before our grand announcement Dad wanted to make super sure that she wasn't just making noise. He is convinced.

But not only that, she is eating solid food every day. She can pick up tiny things with her tiny fingers and she is even starting to wave hello and goodbye. Plus she is a quick study too - each day our dogs Joe and Mae run to the door when they hear someone coming - now Ella is heading toward the door too waving her arms and getting excited too!

Ella has also learned that even when she can't see something it is still there - yes, our baby understands the complicated concept of object permanence. So - when Mom disappears into the kitchen - Ella is quick to follow.

But don't think that Ella hasn't been busy around town too. She loves to go on errands with her parents. She is a total people watcher. She has started craning her neck around when someone walks by so she can get a better look, and nows turns 180 degrees in her high chair to see what is happening behind her.



Then we took trips out couch shopping....


Visited Mommy's work to say hello and test out a few toys...



And took a trip to Home Depot to pick up some Fall flowers...


She even helps to push the cart. WHAT A GIRL!!


Coming soon - new videos and pictures.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


We finally figured it out. Solid food. Ella likes it solid. She likes feeding herself, none of that mushy baby food for her. She has graduated to Cheerios (thank you General Mills), peas, and hunks of other yummy veggies.


We even ventured out on the deck (all three of us and two dogs) to enjoy a nice dinner.


Then, of course, there were more walks. Ella and Mom went to Old Sturbridge Village again and saw their new addition - an old stage coach. Ella was riding in her own Mom drawn carriage - but she was fascinated by the big beautiful horses (or what she probably thought were giant puppies.)


But as always there were just some nice family times, play times, and some more great pictures...


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Smiles, cheerios, and monkeys

This weekend we were busy having fun. We took a trip to the zoo. This time Ella was looking at everything. She even imitated the monkeys as she tried to climb the fence to get a better look...

Look at those little toes work!


Of course, Ella always has Dad to lend a hand too...


No matter where we went, there were always breaks to eat and teeth (although no pearly whites just yet). Mom and Dad's friend Lisa gave Ella a new spoon (with her name and a monkey on it and everything!!) She loved it...


And then Ella chewed on a cucumber slice as it was cold and felt so good on her gums...


But we couldn't spend all our time eating. We had to play with our friends. Lilli joined us at the zoo too...


After a busy day at the zoo, Ella also spent some time showing off her two new skills - sitting up...


And crawling...


In between the crawling and sitting, there were many nice walks outside...


But nothing was more fun for Ella (or more fun to watch) than her first time eating Cheerios...


She definitely has great fine motor skills and good hand eye coordination, and even when she didn't - she had a blast... (Plus Joe loved eating all of the missed cheerios that made their way off the high chair tray)


But when all the fun was had, food was eaten, and smiles were smiled... there was much sleeping!
At the zoo, after a car ride...


And in the crib... (Ella goes to bed hugging her doll Bella every night - but we're not sure how Bella got up there :)


We don't know how she does it all and so soon. We are simply in awe, and in love.