Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Walk for Babies 2009

If you count this weekend, Ella has participated in three walk-a-thons... two for homelessness (one inutero) and now the March of Dimes, March for Babies. Mom works with moms, dads, and little kids - newborn to 3. Each family Mom works with has their own great strengths, and at the same time faces the biggest of obstacles. Over the past few years, Mom has seen too many premature babies being born... bringing with them medical challenges no adult should face. The littles babies need help to, and since Mom had a perfectly healthy post-due date baby we wanted to give back a little too.


So we took the ride to Worcester. Loaded up the stroller - it had to be fully stocked after all. Sippy cup -check, golfish crackers - check, emergency booper - check, water bottle - check, diapers/wipers - check. We were good. We made our way to the registration table around nap time and ran as the walk had just started. We were the last to register, almost at the end of the long line, and yet by the end we succeeded.


Ella and Mom walked a full 3-4 miles in about an hour. Ella required half a cup of juice, five crackers, and a 20 minute nap. Ella only exited the stroller once, and that was within viewing distance of the finish (she must have felt the excitement.) Luckily at the end of the walk we were greeted by friendly faces. (A wookie?? We don't get it either)...


And a lovely little outdoor play set-up. Perfect!! We're already looking forward to next year.


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